What does Dutch Heritage Rail and Tramway Association (Historisch Railvervoer Nederland HRN ) do?
In short: we are an association for the interests of museum and tourist rail organizations in the Netherlands. As an umbrella organization, we have arranged consultations with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Education, Culture and Science and other bodies on matters that may affect the rail museums, for example on legislation and regulations.
There are three other umbrella organizations in our country in the field of historical means of transport, namely for aviation, shipping and road transport. Together with HRN these four form the Transport Heritage Association of The Netherlands (Mobiele Collectie Nederland MCN). This is a foundation defending the interests of the mobile historical heritage as a whole. HRN is one of the members of European federation Fedecrail. Fedecrail keeps, among other things, a watchful eye on new railway legislation coming from Brussels.
HRN also manages the National Register of Rail Heritage, which contains more than 800 historic rail vehicles. All of these vehicles have a certain status, depending on their cultural and historical value. This Register is part of the National Register of Mobile Heritage. You can consult the National Register of Rail Heritage at www.railmonumenten.nl.